Wen Moon?
💪 Once the market cap reaches 7500 TON, all remaining tokens and liquidity migrate to Ston.Fi.
🔥 🔒 All liquidity is locked by burning the LP token 🚀
Ton.Fun charges a flat fee of 1% on buy and sell orders, which is charged as a taker fee in TON, 0.5 TON is token creation fee and no fee for token migrate.
Does Ton.Fun have a token themselves?
No, Ton.Fun has no official tokens.
A token migrates to STON.Fi when the market cap reaches a threshold of 7500 TON. All collateral collected is sent to STON.Fi to create the LP & open book ID. 200 mil of remainder is sent to STON.Fi. The LP token is burnt.
The difference between a trade's expected and actual price during high volatility. The default is set at 15%; you can change it anytime. You’re always prompted to sign the transactions, and the correct amounts are simulated in your wallet.
Ton.Fun vs other platforms
Ton.Fun uses a linear bonding curve. This means the launch is fairer as more traders can buy in at a lower price.
Ton.Fun collects more collateral (~2x) so that more liquidity can be migrated to STON.Fi to optimize success.
Ton.Fun charge 10 TON for migrations to Ston.Fi.
Is there a minimum buy amount?
Yes, the minimum buy amount is 0.1 TON to avoid spamming and chain congestion.
Why can’t I sell my dust?
The minimum sell equivalent is ??? TON. If your dust is worth less than that, you can’t sell, and you will see a message under the SELL button indicating this. You can always purchase more tokens and sell over ??? TON equivalent.
How long does migration take to STON.Fi?
It is typically 1 minute, but it can take up to 5-10 minutes to completely migrate. While the migration is happening, trading is paused.
Last updated